The DesignBuild Knowledge Network

The ‘European DesignBuild Knowledge Network (EDBKN) promotes the implementation, distribution, and sustainability of the DesignBuild methodology. EDBKN

The research project was funded by the European Union, 2013 – 2016 and conducted by the Technische Universität Berlin in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology, Associazione Archintorno, the German University Cairo and the Dalhousie University.

In recent years, DesignBuild-Studios (DBS), a teaching and research model enabling students to take responsibility for developing balanced future living environments, have undertaken architectural projects from design to realisation. They became a new paradigm in architectural education in Europe and all around the world. However, despite the fact that DesignBuild-Studios show an exemplary way to combine the synergistic potentials of teaching, research, practice, and development cooperation, they remain a young and changing field that is far from being exhausted. The innovative EDBKN Network will stimulate the sustainable, practise related, international and interdisciplinary knowledge-transfer, foster multinational, interdisciplinary cooperation and promote research related to DesignBuild activities.

The `EDBKN – European DesignBuild Knowledge Network` was funded as an Erasmus Mundus Programme Action 3 from October 2013 to September 2016.

Funded by the European Union

The website is now online:

Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), Germany
School VI Planning Building Environment
Department of Architecture

Habitat Unit – Chair of Architectural Design and International Urbanism
CoCoon – sector for contextual construction